
Juniors (Ages 5-11)

Juniors (Ages 5-11)

The Junior School provides a secure and encouraging environment to foster students’ holistic academic development. The curriculum is underpinned by Literacy and Numeracy, whilst building independence, self-esteem and confidence.

The Junior School has a varied curriculum that inspires and equips our young learners. Science, History, Geography and RE are taught through termly topics in a stimulating and nurturing classroom environment. Opportunities are provided for our pupils to learn cooperatively, to develop respect for others and to become independent learners.

Specialist teachers instruct pupils in Languages, Art and Computing as well as in an extensive performing arts programme including Dance, Music and Drama. Each child takes part in a variety of sporting activities, ranging from swimming to netball and football.

Parents are kept up to date regularly through a weekly email, newsletters, parent/teacher evenings and written reports. Parents are invited to Junior School events, including class assemblies and performances, afternoon tea concerts, charity events and sports matches. 

Pastoral Care

The close care and attention of the teacher and teaching assistant in every class ensures a stable and stimulating environment for children just starting their school careers. Children are taught the values enshrined in the KS Code, and this language is echoed consistently throughout the school.

Children learn in a warm and happy atmosphere, building on the strength of the home/school partnership, with a focus on acknowledging all-round achievement and dedicated to enabling children be the best they can be. In the Junior School we believe that children learn best when they are happy, and the tailored pastoral care for every child ensures they make the most of every day at KS.