Enriched Learning

Students in Years 7,8 and 9 get a taste of GCSE and A-Level subjects through our Enrichment program, including subjects such as: Design Technology, Journalism, Film Studies and Computing. We also offer a strong co-curricular program including The Duke of Edinburgh Award and guest speaker talks. Our incredible location in Knightsbridge means we are also able to extend the pupils’ learning through regular museum and theatre visits. In Y9 our students make their GCSE choices which will be taken up in Y10.

We believe in ‘the right school for the right child’ ethos and so in the Senior School we still prepare the students for the 13+ Common Entrance and many of our students move on to a range of leading London day and country boarding schools as happy, well-rounded individuals. Our Senior students follow a broad, balanced curriculum including English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, French, and a second Modern Foreign Language of choice, Latin, History, Geography, Computing, Art, Performing Arts, PE & Games, and Perspectives.

The School ensures that parents are able to make informed decisions about the most appropriate next schools for their child, whether that is at 13+ or 16. We embed volunteering and work experience opportunities into our Senior years, alongside ‘careers week’ and sixth form and university tours/open days throughout the year, to help support our pupils with their choices for A-Levels and beyond.