
KS is delighted that students can now stay on at the school until the age of 16, facilitating an all-through education. We are able to take our fantastic pastoral care to help guide and nurture our students all the way to GCSE.

Most senior pupils join us from our own junior section where they have a thirst and love for learning, inspired by curiosity and our engaging staff. We are also proud to welcome students into our senior school at Y7 and Y9, alongside our bursary students who bring great new energy to the year groups.  We also offer a strong co-curricular program including The Duke of Edinburgh Award, residentials and guest speaker talks. Our incredible location in Knightsbridge means we are  able to extend the pupils’ learning through regular museum and theatre visits. In Y9 our students make their GCSE choices which will be taken up in Y11.

We believe in ‘the right school for the right child’ ethos and so in the Senior School we still prepare the students for the 13+ Common Entrance and many of our students move on to a range of leading London day and country boarding schools as happy, well-rounded individuals. Our Senior students follow a broad, balanced curriculum including English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, French, and a second Modern Foreign Language of choice, Latin, History, Geography, Computing, Art, Performing Arts, PE & Games, and Perspectives.

The School ensures that parents are able to make informed decisions about the most appropriate next schools for their child, whether that is at 13+ or 16. We embed volunteering and work experience opportunities in to our Senior years, alongside ‘careers week’ and sixth form and university tours/open days throughout the year, to help support our pupils with their choices for A-Levels and beyond.


At Knightsbridge School, we provide an atmosphere where students can be themselves and enjoy the process of learning and creating. This leads to both ‘interesting and interested’ students who are not afraid to fail, instead they learn and grow through to GCSE supported by excellent pastoral care. Perspectives is a maturation of our existing subject, and will cover philosophy, sociology, citizenship and life skills. We encourage students to develop their understanding and appreciation of others and themselves, ready to be active and compassionate citizens, both locally and globally.


Our curriculum for years 9-11 allows our oldest pupils to pursue their interests through a lively and diverse range of subjects. Digital technology is woven throughout the curriculum, and takes a progressive approach, with the use of AI to create bespoke learning journeys. In this way students are able to develop at their own pace, carving out their own unique path through the academic and creative subjects.

There is a student-focused Knowledge Society, with visiting speakers delivering engaging talks on topics driven by our young people. Students make extensive use of the world-class museums and cultural offerings on our doorstep, which will enable them to complete an Extended Project based on a personal interest. Lunchtime clubs, groups and councils all allow students the opportunity to follow and develop their own unique and diverse interests and talents in school and beyond.

The Knightsbridge, ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ approach keeps an emphasis on physical and mental fitness for our years 7-11 students. Built into their timetable each week are two extended Games sessions, a morning fitness module and yoga. Students will have opportunities to take sports of their own choice, be it fencing, climbing, swimming, squash, rowing or tennis. The combining of creative and academic subjects as part of the GCSE programme further compliments their studies.


By the time children reach the Senior School the ‘ecosystem of happiness’, enshrined in the KS Code, is very well-established and provides the foundation for children to become confident contributors to the senior schools they go onto, and outstanding role models within the school and beyond. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural values of KS are embedded into every aspect of school life, so that children have clear expectations of behaviour and standards of manners. Through becoming involved in the huge range of opportunities offered, children have the capacity to develop their self-respect and acknowledge their own and others’ growing strengths, in a supportive and friendly atmosphere.


Boys and girls cover the ISEB (Independent Schools Examination Board) Common Entrance syllabus in preparation for transfer to future schools typically at 11 or 13 years old. Preparation for the 11+ examinations takes place in year 5 and in the Autumn Term of year 6. The 11+ Pre-test is taken in the Autumn Term of year 6, as are London Day School entrance examinations for entry at the age of 11 . We hope that all our boys and girls stay with us until 16, however we are committed to helping every child achieve the right school for them, taking into account their academic and non-academic abilities, as well as ambitions and personality. To that end, all senior members of staff work extremely hard to ensure that our boys and girls are ready for 11+ exams should they choose to take them. Preparation for the 13+ Common Entrance examinations to Public Schools begins in Y7 and the examinations are taken in June of Y8. The school can advise parents on the choices available after Knightsbridge to help them make informed decisions on the next step for their child’s education and development.

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