EYFS pupils wowed their parents and teachers at the EYFS Charity Fashion Show. It was all in aid of their chosen charity KIDS. KIDS are a national charity which provides a wide range of support services to disabled children, young people and their families. They support children with any disability from birth to 25 years of age and offer support to the whole family with the aim of giving disabled children a brighter future. The EYFS pupils, wearing their personally designed t-shirts which were created with the ‘Under the Sea’ theme in mind, brilliantly strutted their stuff down the catwalk to the delight of their parents and friends. Most importantly they managed to raise over £900 for the charity. Keep Selfless KS!
In a very busy period of the term we also had our annual J3 production. The J3 children acted and sang wonderfully in their marvellous performances of Seussical the Musical on Monday and Tuesday of last week. We’re so proud of how the children excelled in what is a challenging musical to perform, they sang and danced wonderfully and above all else it was incredibly funny!