Category: Sports News

Senior and Junior Sports Day at Battersea Park Millennium Arena

24th June 2024

KS had most unforgettable Senior and Junior Sports Day at Battersea Park Millennium Arena! The day was filled with thrilling races and intense competitions in javelin, discus throw, shot put, long jump, 100m and 200m heats, and wrapped up with the final event, the Tug of War between school houses. KS students displayed remarkable talent…

Siblings complete 6 mile track in Limerick!

5th May 2023

Last weekend, Rosie D (5R) managed to complete the 6 Mile race back in Limerick in 51.15 minutes. There were about 4,500 entrants and she was the 94th female to cross the line. Rosie’s brother Charlie D (8H) also completed the 6 mile track at the exact same time as he waited for Rosie before crossing the finishing…

Ava smashes Karate competitions in Poland

19th March 2023

A huge congratulations to Ava in Year 8 who took part in Karate competitions in Poland and won a Gold and Bronze medal! What an exceptional example of determination, hard work and commitment. Well done from everyone at KS!

KS Ski Team wins Gold and Silver plates in IAPS Championships, Italy.

15th March 2023

“The KS Ski Team had some excellent ski races in the IAPS Ski Championships out in Italy last week. The U13 boys team (Callum, Leo and Tristan) won 1st place in the Plate competition while the U13 mixed team (Sophie, Nicholas and Athena) won 2nd place in the Plate competition The children were up against…

Sport in Lockdown

4th February 2021

Sport lessons and activities are a key part of getting outside and away from the screen. Keep active KS!

London Youth Games: Weekly Fitness Challenges

4th February 2021

As a school we have started taking part in the London Youth Games Weekly Fitness Challenges. We enter as part of our borough and try to earn as many points as possible through completing the fitness challenges that are set each week in hope to be the winning borough at the end of the Spring…

Weekly Yoga in Hyde Park

16th September 2020

S8 and S9 enjoyed their weekly yoga session at Hyde Park this morning with instructor, Alicia from Happy Heart Yoga guiding them through the practice. 

KS Winners

23rd November 2018

It was swimming competition time this week at the Queen Mother’s Pool and the KS Pupils came back winners: 1st in the Medley Relay, 1st 2nd & 3rd in the Freestyle Diving and Freestlye Relay. Go KS!!