United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Awards

Posted: 23rd February 2023

United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Awards

Before half term, selected students in year 8,9,10 and 11 did the Intermediate UKMT challenge. The Intermediate UKMT challenge is a mathematical competition for students in the United Kingdom in school years 8 to 11. The competition is designed to challenge students with a range of mathematical problems and puzzles that require them to think creatively and apply their mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. The UKMT is a nationally recognized competition and students that have very good results can compete in the international Maths Olympiad. In April, we will also have the Junior UKMT for selected students in years 5-8.

The results for our school were:
Bronze awards:
Harry J (Y8), Amine A (Y9), Lucy M (Y9 – best in year award),
Bohan Z, Raika S (Y11)

Silver awards:
Gino C-P (Y8), Ishaan D (Y8), James H (Y8 –  best in year award and best in school award), Dylan R (Y11 – Best in year award)